Job Calendar

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
SABP-66(01) Stone County-Old Highway 26 Bridge Replacement Term Contract 24-03 Town of Lula CDBG Sewage Collection System and Pumpstation Rehabilitation Project 1201 Long Beach Harbor Dredging - Hurricane Zeta Repairs 1185 Long Beach Harbor Demolition - Hurricane Zeta Repairs 23071.00 George County High School Culinary Arts CTE Facility (RE-BID) 2024115 Pontotoc Bleacher Renovation
2-10086 Water Sys. Imp. Cont. A, Ground Storage Tank & Pumping Facilites 2362C020 Town of Gloster - Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Phase 2 NS.17677.000 Meadowbrook Water Treatment Plant Improvements 23018 ARPA Distribution Improvements 22082-04 ARPA Distribution Improvements 2-10086 Water System Improvements, Contract B, Distribution System Improvements 02409-023-019-01F Propst Park - Tennis and Pickleball Courts RFP for Pre Engineered Metal Building Package NS.18884.024 Pughs Mill Water Association - AMR Meters (Part A + Part B) NS.18884.024 STANDPIPE AND TANK REPAINTING-PUGHS MILL WATER ASSOCIATION 2421 Hawkins Health Sciences Renovation 18701 City of Moss Point Robinhood Sewer Replacement Project 10PHD24 New Health Department for Pontotoc Board of Supervisors 808-2024 Renovations to Pass Christian Fire Station #1 25-06 Puckett Baseball/Softball Lighting Project 21-042d Popp's Ferry Elementary Cafeteria Re-Roof 340 Haven House HVAC Equipment Replacement 24025 West Tallahatchie School District Central Office Roof Replacment (REBID) 0239.24.001 West Hancock Elementary Boiler Replacement 200691.01 Humphrey High School Athletic Complex Re-Bid 25-01 Highway 80 Trunk Line Phase 2-B Rehabilitation 0123.23.001 Ocean Springs Public Works 024-055 North Woolmarket Elementary Middle School Classroom Addition 24-013 Hahnville High School Cafeteria Renovation and Addition 11PCM24 New Building For: Pontotoc Multipurpose Building 2338 Union County Ingomar PE Gym
Grinder Pump Package for the Jourdan River Shores Sewer Improvements Project Phase 1 2024-060PR Veterans Park Playground 2024516 Nettleton School District, Nettleton High School Office Reno. 28260302 Modernization of (Greenville) Latrines, Greenville Readiness Center 17448.008 Stennis Tech Park Phase 2 Site Prep - Project No. AP2303 24-004.1 A Roofing Renovation Project for Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 8852 0155.24.003 St. Martin High School Football Restroom and Concessions
6-10117 Wheeler STEM Building 24-063.00 2024/2025 D'Iberville Paving Project 6675 SA-789 Replacement of Bridge Number 26 Morgantown Road Over Noxubee River Sale of Surplus Equipment 12022024 23-031 New Pascagoula City Hall 24037.00 City of Tupelo Tupelo Aquatic Center Pool Liner Replacement 18905 Krebs Avenue Parking Improvements GS# 203-065 New Cafeteria - East Central Community College 24019 UM SOC ELEC - Demo Package ENG1Q24-D1 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - NORTH LAMAR BLVD AND VARNER LOOP 28260305 Modernization of (Greenwood) Latrines, Greenwood Readiness Center 572-2-SW-5.6 Bishop Road Drainage Improvement (REBID) 0047.23.001 IDD Mental Health Building 22077.00 Winona Secondary School Athletics Facility Renovation
25-E-8200 Potable Waterline and Appurtenance Installation - Labor only 16175.08.01 Kome Drive & Kalipekona Pond Drainage Project 2024-059PW CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE DRAINGE IMPROVEMENTS 18921 Bayou Casotte Piling Replacement
15-007-017 Water Supply Well 23-0990 CALHOUN CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CR 342 & CR 361 EWP BANK STABILIZATION 23-0815 CALHOUN CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CO. RD. NO. 442 EWP BANK STABILIZATION 23-0830 CALHOUN CO. CO. RD. 149 & CO. RD. 139 EWP BANK STABILIZATION Storm Drain Improvements: Davidson And Calhoun 15-003-003 Port Bienville Webre Road Water Supply Well (16" Casing) RFP- Construction of Offices, Painting, and Carpet Replacement at the Chancery Courthouse
JCBS-109-24 HVAC Upgrades Jones County Courthouse Laurel, MS JCBS-110-24 HVAC Upgrades Jones County Health Department (Ellisville, MS) 3-10031 Water Treatment Facility Imp. REBID 6-10036 REPLACEMENT OF 6” INVASION PIPE, PHASE 1 3-10114 TWL Colonial Estates Lift Station Rehabilitation, ARC 2980L018 LSBP-79(29) Whetstone Road Bridge & Approaches DPGWA-24010 Dumas-Pine Grove Water Association Water Line Extension 22-006 Bay St. Louis Citywide Sewer Improvements Project 2025 Herbicide and Pesticide Application RFP 2025 Lawn Maintenance RFP 24-91 Dean's Suite Renovation at McCool Hall 24014.06 South Delta High School Athletic Fields Upgrades 24-3549.16 Firetower Road Sewer System Improvements 24-3549.17 Firetower Road Water System Improvements 1294 Downtown Sewer System Rehabilitation - Lift Stations 11PCM24 New Building For: Pontotoc Multipurpose Building 24025 West Tallahatchie School District Central Office Roof Replacment (REBID) 21-042d Popp's Ferry Elementary Cafeteria Re-Roof 24-013 Hahnville High School Cafeteria Renovation and Addition RFP 2024-067 BA Managed Detection & Response Software 3899 Fort Bayou Storm Drainage System Improvements 2024514 Lee County School District, Saltillo High School Multipurpose Building GS# 376-002 Emergency Air Response Station - Office of Air Transport 17881 Replacement of Black Creek Cooling Water Facility Switchgear at Cumbest Bluff
23-1700 NAT G. TROUTT ROAD IMP. 19-023-001 Jourdan River Shores Subdivision Sanitary Sewer Improvements Phase 1 0123.23.001 Ocean Springs Public Works
124E3006 RFP ELECTRIC LINE CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES 24-3549.15C Turkey Creek Drainage/Forrest Heights Levee Equipment Procurement - PUMPS 24-3549.15A Turkey Creek Drainage/Forrest Heights Levee Equipment Procurement - CONTROLS 24-3549.15B Turkey Creek Drainage/Forrest Heights Levee Equipment Procurement - GENERATORS T21-395 ICC Fulton Main Street & Stadium Drive Sidewalk Imp. 24-3549.10 Bells Ferry Road Elevation Drainage & Flood Access 124E3005 CONSTRUCTION OF 13 kV ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS AND REPAIRS 23-066.01 Fairway Drive Boat Launch Improvements 25-012-07 Heindl Center Audio Visual Systems (Reverse Auction) 24-96 Hunter Henry Renovations Phase 1 25-02 Meridian Police Department Real Time Crime Center P23-445 Poplar Springs - Elevated Storage Tank 2024516 Nettleton School District, Nettleton High School Office Reno. T24-550 Pemberton Avenue Drainage Improvements 18895 (ARPA) Lake Okhissa Water System, Phase 1 Distribution Piping and Plant 18238 Lift Station #68 Rehabilitation and East Side Diversion 2338 Union County Ingomar PE Gym 0239.24.001 West Hancock Elementary Boiler Replacement EMT Training Manikins and Equipment (Reverse Auction) P23-455 New Liberty Water Association - Water Production Well 2024501 The City of Saltillo, New Fire Station 2024-0018A Downtown Camera System (REBID)
25-E-8217 Davis and Freetown Road Water Main Improvements P22-355 SAP 58(63) Cane Creek Road 572-2-SW-5.6 Bishop Road Drainage Improvement (REBID) 25-012-06 Baseball Facility Batting Cage
MEC 23-077 Contract B - Iron Removal Plant 22-1315 CITY OF GRENADA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ERBR-12(02) Bridge Replacement on CR 120 ERBR-31(01) CR 24 Multiple Bridge Replacement 22023 FY22 SRF WATER DISTRIBUTION IMPROVEMENTS
21-1770 MBCI WATER TREATMENT PLANT CONTRACT "A" 21-1770 MBCI WATER WELLS CONTRACT "B" 21-1770 MBCI ELEVATED WATER TANK CONTRACT "C" 23-0615 TOWN OF CARROLLTON WATER METER REPLACEMENT 1060-2 Long Beach Gateway - Phase II ENG1Q24-D1 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - NORTH LAMAR BLVD AND VARNER LOOP 0047.23.001 IDD Mental Health Building 25-01 Highway 80 Trunk Line Phase 2-B Rehabilitation 22077.00 Winona Secondary School Athletics Facility Renovation 24000 Amory Community Center - REBID 5-10144 Main Street Depot Site Imp. 2024514 Lee County School District, Saltillo High School Multipurpose Building 111E3009 Electric Line Construction & Maintenance Services - City of Water Valley 11PCG24 Repairs & Renovations to: Pontotoc County Chancery Grist Annex 0155.24.003 St. Martin High School Football Restroom and Concessions 16563.08 West Small Craft Harbor Pier P-2 Electrical Upgrades 061-24 Terminal Advertising Program 3-09181 Shiloh National Park Route Imp. 24-1321 James C. Simpson, Sr. Pier Replacement (Hurricane Zeta)
RFP- Lease Option to Purchase One (1) Used Articulated Dump Truck 1-10030 ERBR-59(01) PRENTISS CO. Semi-Annual Bids 2-10004 Young's Water Sys. Imp.: Cont. A/B, AMR Meter Materials/Installation 198-22 BLADE, SHAPE AND SURFACE – JERNIGAN ROAD, GREENE CO. 179-24 SURFACE MAINTENANCE - ST. ELLEN ROAD, GREENE CO. 6-10145 Mississippian Railway Imp. FY25 MDOT Multi-Modal HWY. 25 024-055 North Woolmarket Elementary Middle School Classroom Addition 16581.08 Old Spanish Trail Pavement Repairs 1079 Bay Vista Waterline Replacement Project 24165 Eufaula Housing Authority - Western Heights Unit 34 - Renovation
24-063.03 First Avenue Water Tank Rehabilitation Project 18248 City of Hattiesburg - Sims Boat Ramp A/E# 2796-24 Hazlehurst Housing Authority - 2024 Renovation of 2 Units @ HUD Project MS 094-002 #2 NS.18964.024 Clay Co. Board of Supervisors - Overlay of Randle Rd. & Lake Grove Rd. 11444 Old Richton Road Widening at Evelyn Gandy Parkway 18921 Bayou Casotte Piling Replacement 17881 Replacement of Black Creek Cooling Water Facility Switchgear at Cumbest Bluff 28260302 Modernization of (Greenville) Latrines, Greenville Readiness Center 28260305 Modernization of (Greenwood) Latrines, Greenwood Readiness Center 18504 Tunica Main Street - Rivergate Park Improvements 25-06 Puckett Baseball/Softball Lighting Project GS# 376-002 Emergency Air Response Station - Office of Air Transport 0321.24.004 Oak Grove High School Volleyball Flooring 24104 Picayune Early Head Start Playground Re-Surfacing Project 023-033 Creekbend Elementary And Middle School Classroom & Cafeteria Additions 24040 UM Shoemaker Hall 2nd Floor Restroom Renovations 0328.24.001 Softball Hitting Facility
24-070 MCWI Water Meter Replacement for the City of Ellisville 23-030 2024 MCWI Sewer Improvements for the City of Ellisville 22-1185 QUITMAN COUNTY COMMUNITY OF DARLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 22067-04 MCWI ARPA SCADA System 22074-05 Evergreen Water Association, Inc. - ARPA Water Tank Painting 22067-05 MCWI ARPA Mayhaw Well Rehab 2024-0018A Downtown Camera System (REBID) 2024-0019A Oxford Police Vehicle Equipment and Upfitting (REBID) 24-015 Beaver Dam Water Association – CONT. NO. 1 – SYS. WIDE WATER METER REPLACEMENT 24-014 Beaver Meadow Water Association – CONTRACT NO. 1 – SYSTEM WIDE WATER METER REPLACEMENT
MCWI-1 Yocona Ridge Storm Drain Project MCWI-2 Twelve Oaks Storm Drain Project 2025 Bid for Traffic Striping 25-106 Lafayette County Term Bids 2025 24-4710 Construction of Concession Stand at Long Beach Softball Field
18088.00 Bogue Chitto Water and Sewer Improvements
RFP - Grass Cutting Services
ENG1Q24-U1 EMERGENCY GENERATOR PACKAGE AT WATER TREATMENT PLANT & REMOTE WELL SITES 21015 RALEIGH Well #3 Rehab 17448.008 Stennis Tech Park Phase 2 Site Prep - Project No. AP2303 W2205 Hattiesburg Fire Station #2